Started in 1944, UCT Fencing has proudly built a legacy of excellence that spans over 80 years. It has become one of South Africa’s premier university fencing clubs and continues to push boundaries and produce top-tier athletes. UCT fencing has continually contributed to the country’s standard for competitive fencing.

UCT Fencing believes that fencing is more than just a sport but an art form in itself. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned fencer, UCT Fencing welcomes all who join the club. The club believes the art of fencing is for everyone regardless of skill and offers a supportive and motivating environment for all

The club has a strong focus on technique, fitness, mental strategy, community, discipline, resilience, and personal growth, so every session is an opportunity to have fun, learn, grow, and improve.

Join UCT Fencing and discover the joy of fencing.
Where To Find Us:
UCT Sports Centre
When To Join Us:
Mondays 16:00-19:00
Thursdays 16:00-19:00
How To Sign Up:
Sign up easily via Peoplesoft using the code FEC.
Our Instagram: @uct_fencing