Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that is an expression of sports, acrobatics, fighting, and culture. Capoeira teaches important self-defense maneuvers and improves your acrobatic capabilities, while also implementing elements of dance and musical appreciation. UCT Capoeira aims to bring this cultural experience to the University of Cape Town. Led by our renowned instructors, we hope to offer a new cultural Experience .

Mestre Espirrinho

Contra Mestre Mordaca
Membership Details
For signing up, use code “KAZ” on Peoplesoft.
- Annual Membership Fee: R600 for all UCT students and staff.
- Annual Membership Fee: R800 for external members.
Memberships include occasional musical classes at the UCT School of Music.
Training Information
Mondays: 16:30 – 18:00
Location: Martial Arts Room
Thursdays: 16:30 – 18:00
Location: Sports Centre 3
Music class times will be discussed internally.
Committee 2025
Your club committee members for 2025 are:
- Chairperson: Day-lin Mapstone
- Vice Chairperson: Wataru Tokura
- Treasurer: Isabella Strydom
- Secretary: Veronique Reagon
- Transformation: Danzeng Zhuoga
And we all hope to see you soon!!!
Contact Information
For general enquiries contact:
Instagram: @uctcapoeiraclub
Email: uctcapoeiraclub@gmail.com
For specific inquiries contact:
Chairperson – Day-lin Mapstone
Email: MPSDAY001@myuct.ac.za
Get ready to have your limits tested. Capoeira will take your cardio to the next level, boost your self-confidence, and create a sense of family and community among your Capoeira practitioners. See you soon!!
A taste of what’s to come!