Rules and Regulations
There are rules and regulations that are mandatory for all athletes to adhere to for the club to function properly. In this section, you will find the Constitution and the Rules that are applicable to the University of Cape Town in general and University of Cape Town sports. Further, rules governing other relevant sports bodies such as World Athletics, WPA and USSA Athletics can be found below.
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Book of rules
University of Cape Town Institutional Statute and Institutional Rules
Public and private higher education institutions in South Africa are regulated by the Higher Education Act, No. 101 of 1997 as amended. This Act and the regulations published under this Act are available at the website of the Department of Higher Education and Training. This Act requires each public higher education institution to have its own institutional statute, the provisions of which augment and must be consistent with the provisions of the Act. This Act also allows the University Council to adopt institutional rules and lays down the procedures the University Council must follow when adopting such rules.
Student Representative Council Constitution
We, the students of the University of Cape Town, acknowledge our historical context within the African continent, South Africa and the Western Cape and resolve to unite in the pursuit of a university and society based on equality, social justice and democracy.
- We therefore proclaim the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of the University of Cape Town as the primary governing body on all issues of student governance whose role shall be to:
- Promote the vision and mission statement of the University of Cape Town;
- Affirm and promote the right of students to embark on the acquisition, dissemination and advancement of knowledge and academic excellence;
- Promote and protect the principles entrenched in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa;
- Uphold principles of transparency, accountability, responsiveness, fairness and participation in the student community;
- Articulate the aspirations of students within the University co-operative governance structures including the Council, Senate, Institutional Forum and University Committees; and
- Strive for social redress, increased access and active transformation within the University of Cape Town and the broader society.
In performing their role, the elected representatives must collectively and individually exercise appropriate care, diligence and respect for the authority of this constitution.
In adopting this constitution for Student Governance at the University of Cape Town, we affirm the principles, values and provisions of the Higher Education Act (101 of 1997) as amended, and the Statute of the University of Cape Town.
Constitution of the University of Cape Town Student Sports Union
Whereas we, the sportspeople of the University of Cape Town; who see sport as integral part of both the University of Cape Town and broader South African Society
- the state of fragmentation of student sport live in South Africa was caused by policies of intentional racial, sexist divisions and discrimination and that;
- these policies removed from the majority of South African students the opportunity to acquire and enhance their sporting skills; and
- to participate freely and normally.
Recognising the Need:
- to unite all sportspeople at the University of Cape Town, and
- to improve opportunities for the acquisition of sporting skills by all UCT students.
- the philosophy of non-racialism, non-sexism and democracy to the guiding principles in our organisation, so as to bring peace and harmony in sport in our country.
Therefore resolve:
To found the Student Sports Union and constitute it with such powers, duties and obligations as here in set forth.
Constitution of the University of Cape Town Athletics Club
The UCT Athletics Club, (UCTAC), seeing Sport as an integral part of both the University of Cape Town and broader South African Society, constitutes the Club as an affiliate of the Student Sports Union, (SSU), under the auspices and control of the University’s Sports Council, (SPC). The UCTAC seeks to bring together all Students and Staff at UCT with an interest in Athletics, under a philosophy of non-racialism and non-sexism, a commitment to transformation and in a democratic manner in all affairs of the Club.